Participants of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges in the afternoon to enjoy a City Tour in Brasilia

Saturday, November 20, 2010

As the day was free, the organizers of the Reunion prepared a City Tour to the main sights of the Federal Capital. The first place visited was the JK Memorial. Located in the West Monumental Axis in Brasilia, the JK Memorial is a museum designed by Oscar Niemeyer, opened on September 12th, 1981 and dedicated to former Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitschek, founder of the city of Brasilia.

The next destination of the City Tour was the Dom Bosco Sanctuary. One of the most famous churches of Brasilia and one of the most common images on the postcards of the city. Designed by Carlos Alberto Naves.

Finishing the ride, all headed to the Gaucho Traditions Center of Brasilia, where they served a tasty lunch. Soon, from 21:00 will take place the official closure of the event with a dinner at the headquarters of the AABB of Brasilia.

A full report on the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region of Brazil will be published in next issue of the Journal of the Grand Lodge.


Medal Awarding mark the lineup this afternoon at the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges

Friday, November 19, 2010

It was during a Special Session held at the Convention Center of the Naoum Plaza Hotel. The presidium of the event remained in the hands of Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Federal District, Brethren Juvenal Batista Amaral.

All the Grand Masters and representatives of 27 Brazilian Grand Lodges were awarded with the Masonic Medal offered by GLDF.

On occasion, after receiving the Medal, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás, Ruy Rocha de Macedo handed a plaque honoring the host Grand Master of the meeting. The session was closed just now (17:35).


Senator of the Republic opens the evening lectures programming of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges

The lecture was open just now (15:30) by Senator Cristovam Buarque. He began by explaining the definition of educational movements, since the topic of his lecture is "Educationalism and the construction of Brazil."

According to the Senator, the educationalist movement is created by an action for himself and defends the idea that Brazil needs a revolution in education to catch up the other countries. Therefore, the educational movements seeks to ensure an equal school for all and quality education as a national priority to transform Brazil. More than an educational program, educational outcomes is an ideology that focuses progress and utopia in a revolution for education. In the traditional view, education is a service; in educationalism, it is an instrument of building and social transformation: is the vector of civilization.

Also according to Cristovam Buarque, the utopia of Educationalism is represented by equal opportunities, ensuring the same chance for any human being, through education and sustainable development. The proposed system would build well equality of opportunity between classes - for equal education for all - and between the generations - for ecologically sustainable development. In place of the revolution of the economy, especially through the state ownership of capital and an omnipresent state, authoritarian educationalism proposes a way for equality in access for all to quality education with a view to their empowerment and ability to participate in a libertarian vision "I was tired, along with many others, with the difficulty of changing the tragic reality that characterizes Brazil. But I awoke.

I woke to the risk that these problems seem small in the face of overwhelming risk ahead: that of a society so divided that its parts do not notice the similarity. I awoke to the fact that Brazil has not yet become a nation. Independence, abolition, the Republic, democracy was not enough to unite our people, living in compact and supportive of its inequalities.

I awoke to the realization that the solution lies not in the mere maintenance of democracy and economic growth, or in a social and economic revolution to undo so much good that Brazil won the last decades, democratic freedom, economic infrastructure, monetary stability .

I awoke to the fact that our role is to awaken the people of Brazil, and all their classes, not only for fatigue with reality, but for the hope and the need for an educational revolution: making schools with the same quality throughout the country for all classes and in all cities. Schools as good as the best in the world. Also awoke to the need of patience, because this revolution will take decades to complete. But, inwardly, I awoke to the urge to immediately start fresh this revolution.", concluded the senator.

Soon after the lecture Cristovam Buarque, which is happening at the Convention Center of the Naoum Plaza Hotel, will be hold a Special Session of Grant Commendations to several Masonic authorities.


GLEG Grand Master just give a lecture at the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges

Opening the lecture series of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region of Brazil, the Most Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás, Ruy Rocha de Macedo, ended his lecture (9:48). The theme was "Freemasonry in the social context."

To an audience of Grand Masters, Grand Secretaries and Masons from around the country, the Grand Master of GLEG began talking about the origins of Freemasonry and its principles. Then exposed the doctrinal and philosophical aspects of the Order. "Freemasonry is an institution that is teaching God (GAOTU) rule by the laws of nature, the principle of freedom, equality and fraternity, and finally happiness. It is not dogma, does not require truth, and is based on brotherly love" said the speaker.

During the focus of his lecture, Ruy Rocha also made a point to pay tribute to women: "Without Women we would not be the Brethrens that we are nor the Masons we pretend to be. Our gratitude to Women."

Periods of the Speculative and Operative Order were also been carefully discussed and commented to finally question the true role of Freemasonry in society. The Most Serene Grand Master of GLEG demanded more action and involvement of the Order and of its initiated fellows.

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"Masonry is not doing anything. He lives only for the glories and achievements of our ancestors. It has to be more active," he said.

Brethren Ruy warned that "Being a Mason is all started. Being a Mason means taking Masonic Awareness. You do it every day, aiming to convert humanity into a happier one, within the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity."

Concluding his speech the Grand Master of GLEG said to the Masons that exercising the practice of virtues should be a factor of transformation in society, anywhere in which he is. With attitude, ideas, ethics and practical examples. "In social life we must behave not as a society apart, but as an active part of society," he said.

Before closing he commented: "We must take concrete actions in all sectors. Saying no to accommodation. Technological development and progress of science is not sufficient to guarantee the achievement of Peace. The Masonic practice today has lost direction. Possible causes are there to challenge our participation: Amazonia, Anti-drugs and corruption, Violence, Environment and the moralization of Brazilian politics."

"What will the weather that comes with it and its difficulties; we must be prepared to face them in the name of brotherly love," he concluded.

At the end the Most Serene Grand Master Ruy Rocha was warmly applauded by all present standing.

Right now (10:20) Professor and director of operations at Senai, Regina Torres, is presenting his lecture on "The vocational education in Brazil."


Was opened the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region of Brazil

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The opening ceremony is happening right now (22:12) at the Convention Center of the Naoum Plaza Hotel in Brasilia. Grand Masters and representatives of all 27 Brazilian Grand Lodges are present, besides a large number of Masons, political, military and guests.

After the entry of the Grand Masters and the composition of the board of directors, there was the solemn entrance of the Grand Masters of the four Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region: Ruy Rocha (Grand Lodge of Goias), Juvenal Amaral (Federal District), José Carlos de Almeida (Mato Grosso) and Jordão Abreu Júnior (Mato Grosso do Sul). Then the Band of the Presidential Guard Battalion played the National Anthem, accompanied by the entire audience. Several personalities received honors.

The XXXIX CMSB's president, José Nazareno Nogueira Lima in his speech highlighted the tremendous growth of the Brazilian Freemasonry and the final criticized the federal government's interest in recreating the CPMF (Provisional Contribution on Movement or Transfer of Values and of Credits and Rights of Financial Nature).

A cocktail party will end the program tonight. Tomorrow (19/11) at 8:30 the work will be reopened, thus beginning the cycle of lectures and social program at the same time, the Masons wives come out to visit the Feira dos Importados and at 12:00 will be organized a lunch at the headquarters of the Associação Atlética do Banco do Basil.

The programming of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region is being broadcast around the world through the APMR International Correspondent to Brazil.


Goiânia Committee already in Brasilia

The delegation is composed of Brethrens and their wives from Goiânia and cities of the interior of the state. The group is staying at the Naoum Plaza Hotel scene of all official events of the IV Reuniuon of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region. The opening will take place shortly, at 20:30.


GLEG present at the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges in Brasilia

Headed by the Most Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás, Ruy Rocha de Macedo, the Goiás delegation that will participate in the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region will embark soon for Brasilia-DF at 13:30. The meeting of the "team" will be in front of GLEG Palace, Jaó sector, in Goiânia. The meeting will start in Brasilia today (18/11) and until next Saturday. The return is scheduled for Sunday.

The Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás is, once again, passing the whole program online to all continents through a partnership with the leading Masonic news agency of the world - APMR, which has in Brazil Brethren Gladston Charles, Grand Deputy Press Secretary of GLEG, as its international correspondent.


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