Senator of the Republic opens the evening lectures programming of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges
Friday, November 19, 2010
The lecture was open just now (15:30) by Senator Cristovam Buarque. He began by explaining the definition of educational movements, since the topic of his lecture is "Educationalism and the construction of Brazil."
According to the Senator, the educationalist movement is created by an action for himself and defends the idea that Brazil needs a revolution in education to catch up the other countries. Therefore, the educational movements seeks to ensure an equal school for all and quality education as a national priority to transform Brazil. More than an educational program, educational outcomes is an ideology that focuses progress and utopia in a revolution for education. In the traditional view, education is a service; in educationalism, it is an instrument of building and social transformation: is the vector of civilization.

Also according to Cristovam Buarque, the utopia of Educationalism is represented by equal opportunities, ensuring the same chance for any human being, through education and sustainable development. The proposed system would build well equality of opportunity between classes - for equal education for all - and between the generations - for ecologically sustainable development. In place of the revolution of the economy, especially through the state ownership of capital and an omnipresent state, authoritarian educationalism proposes a way for equality in access for all to quality education with a view to their empowerment and ability to participate in a libertarian vision "I was tired, along with many others, with the difficulty of changing the tragic reality that characterizes Brazil. But I awoke.
I woke to the risk that these problems seem small in the face of overwhelming risk ahead: that of a society so divided that its parts do not notice the similarity. I awoke to the fact that Brazil has not yet become a nation. Independence, abolition, the Republic, democracy was not enough to unite our people, living in compact and supportive of its inequalities.
I awoke to the realization that the solution lies not in the mere maintenance of democracy and economic growth, or in a social and economic revolution to undo so much good that Brazil won the last decades, democratic freedom, economic infrastructure, monetary stability .
I awoke to the realization that the solution lies not in the mere maintenance of democracy and economic growth, or in a social and economic revolution to undo so much good that Brazil won the last decades, democratic freedom, economic infrastructure, monetary stability .

I awoke to the fact that our role is to awaken the people of Brazil, and all their classes, not only for fatigue with reality, but for the hope and the need for an educational revolution: making schools with the same quality throughout the country for all classes and in all cities. Schools as good as the best in the world. Also awoke to the need of patience, because this revolution will take decades to complete. But, inwardly, I awoke to the urge to immediately start fresh this revolution.", concluded the senator.
Soon after the lecture Cristovam Buarque, which is happening at the Convention Center of the Naoum Plaza Hotel, will be hold a Special Session of Grant Commendations to several Masonic authorities.
Soon after the lecture Cristovam Buarque, which is happening at the Convention Center of the Naoum Plaza Hotel, will be hold a Special Session of Grant Commendations to several Masonic authorities.