GLEG Grand Master just give a lecture at the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges
Friday, November 19, 2010
Opening the lecture series of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region of Brazil, the Most Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Goiás, Ruy Rocha de Macedo, ended his lecture (9:48). The theme was "Freemasonry in the social context."
To an audience of Grand Masters, Grand Secretaries and Masons from around the country, the Grand Master of GLEG began talking about the origins of Freemasonry and its principles. Then exposed the doctrinal and philosophical aspects of the Order. "Freemasonry is an institution that is teaching God (GAOTU) rule by the laws of nature, the principle of freedom, equality and fraternity, and finally happiness. It is not dogma, does not require truth, and is based on brotherly love" said the speaker.
To an audience of Grand Masters, Grand Secretaries and Masons from around the country, the Grand Master of GLEG began talking about the origins of Freemasonry and its principles. Then exposed the doctrinal and philosophical aspects of the Order. "Freemasonry is an institution that is teaching God (GAOTU) rule by the laws of nature, the principle of freedom, equality and fraternity, and finally happiness. It is not dogma, does not require truth, and is based on brotherly love" said the speaker.
During the focus of his lecture, Ruy Rocha also made a point to pay tribute to women: "Without Women we would not be the Brethrens that we are nor the Masons we pretend to be. Our gratitude to Women."
Periods of the Speculative and Operative Order were also been carefully discussed and commented to finally question the true role of Freemasonry in society. The Most Serene Grand Master of GLEG demanded more action and involvement of the Order and of its initiated fellows.
Periods of the Speculative and Operative Order were also been carefully discussed and commented to finally question the true role of Freemasonry in society. The Most Serene Grand Master of GLEG demanded more action and involvement of the Order and of its initiated fellows.
"Masonry is not doing anything. He lives only for the glories and achievements of our ancestors. It has to be more active," he said.
Brethren Ruy warned that "Being a Mason is all started. Being a Mason means taking Masonic Awareness. You do it every day, aiming to convert humanity into a happier one, within the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity."
Brethren Ruy warned that "Being a Mason is all started. Being a Mason means taking Masonic Awareness. You do it every day, aiming to convert humanity into a happier one, within the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity."
Concluding his speech the Grand Master of GLEG said to the Masons that exercising the practice of virtues should be a factor of transformation in society, anywhere in which he is. With attitude, ideas, ethics and practical examples. "In social life we must behave not as a society apart, but as an active part of society," he said.
Before closing he commented: "We must take concrete actions in all sectors. Saying no to accommodation. Technological development and progress of science is not sufficient to guarantee the achievement of Peace. The Masonic practice today has lost direction. Possible causes are there to challenge our participation: Amazonia, Anti-drugs and corruption, Violence, Environment and the moralization of Brazilian politics."
Before closing he commented: "We must take concrete actions in all sectors. Saying no to accommodation. Technological development and progress of science is not sufficient to guarantee the achievement of Peace. The Masonic practice today has lost direction. Possible causes are there to challenge our participation: Amazonia, Anti-drugs and corruption, Violence, Environment and the moralization of Brazilian politics."

"What will the weather that comes with it and its difficulties; we must be prepared to face them in the name of brotherly love," he concluded.
At the end the Most Serene Grand Master Ruy Rocha was warmly applauded by all present standing.
Right now (10:20) Professor and director of operations at Senai, Regina Torres, is presenting his lecture on "The vocational education in Brazil."
At the end the Most Serene Grand Master Ruy Rocha was warmly applauded by all present standing.
Right now (10:20) Professor and director of operations at Senai, Regina Torres, is presenting his lecture on "The vocational education in Brazil."