Was opened the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region of Brazil
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The opening ceremony is happening right now (22:12) at the Convention Center of the Naoum Plaza Hotel in Brasilia. Grand Masters and representatives of all 27 Brazilian Grand Lodges are present, besides a large number of Masons, political, military and guests.

After the entry of the Grand Masters and the composition of the board of directors, there was the solemn entrance of the Grand Masters of the four Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region: Ruy Rocha (Grand Lodge of Goias), Juvenal Amaral (Federal District), José Carlos de Almeida (Mato Grosso) and Jordão Abreu Júnior (Mato Grosso do Sul). Then the Band of the Presidential Guard Battalion played the National Anthem, accompanied by the entire audience. Several personalities received honors.

The XXXIX CMSB's president, José Nazareno Nogueira Lima in his speech highlighted the tremendous growth of the Brazilian Freemasonry and the final criticized the federal government's interest in recreating the CPMF (Provisional Contribution on Movement or Transfer of Values and of Credits and Rights of Financial Nature).

A cocktail party will end the program tonight. Tomorrow (19/11) at 8:30 the work will be reopened, thus beginning the cycle of lectures and social program at the same time, the Masons wives come out to visit the Feira dos Importados and at 12:00 will be organized a lunch at the headquarters of the Associação Atlética do Banco do Basil.

The programming of the IV Reunion of the Grand Lodges of the Midwest Region is being broadcast around the world through the APMR International Correspondent to Brazil.